Blog 6 Benefits of Including Feta Cheese in Your Daily Diet
23 September, 2024

6 Benefits of Including Feta Cheese in Your Daily Diet

Feta cheese is a soft and crumbly white cheese made from cow's milk. Being a traditional Greek cheese, feta cheese is now a staple in many cultures and cuisines worldwide. Its unique flavor and texture cannot be compared to any other cheese out there. Not only is it tasty, but feta cheese also provides several health benefits that make it a great addition to your daily diet. Here are six of them:

1. Rich in nutrients

Feta cheese is a nutritious food option that provides important vitamins and minerals for the body. It is low in fat and calories, making it an ideal choice for people who are trying to control their weight. It is packed with essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, and riboflavin, making it a great addition to any diet.

2. Source of protein

Feta cheese is a type of cheese that is high in protein, providing 6 grams of protein per ounce.

3. Boosts immunity

Feta cheese is a good source of Vitamin B12, a nutrient that can help strengthen the body's immune system, making it more resistant to illnesses and infections. 

4. Rich in antioxidants

Feta cheese is full of beneficial antioxidants that can defend your body's cells from harm caused by dangerous molecules known as free radicals.

5. Improves bone health

Feta cheese is rich in calcium, which is an essential mineral for keeping bones strong and healthy. It is especially important for those at risk of developing osteoporosis, as it helps reduce the risk of the disease by making bones more resilient.

6. Source of phosphorus

Feta cheese is a good source of phosphorus, providing about 17 milligrams of phosphorus per 30-gram serving. Phosphorus helps regulate the body’s acid-base balance and is also important for the growth and repair of body tissues.

What’s more, feta cheese is a versatile ingredient 

Feta is a great ingredient to have on hand, as it can be used in many different recipes. Whether crumbled on top of a salad, placed as a topping over pizza, or mixed into a casserole, feta adds a unique flavor that can truly elevate your dish.

How to know the authenticity of feta cheese?

Authentic feta cheese is made with cow's milk, rennet, and salt. It should have a crumbly texture and a salty, tangy flavor. Buying quality and authentic feta cheese will ensure you get the maximum flavor and health benefits.

The bottom line

Adding feta cheese to your daily diet can provide numerous health benefits. Not only is it rich in nutrients and vitamins, but it is also low in fat and calories, making it a great option for those looking to maintain a healthy weight.

Baladna offers high-quality, authentic feta cheese made with 100% cow's milk. It is a great choice for those looking to add delicious and nutritious cheese to their diet. Its crumbly texture and salty flavor make it a great addition to salads, pizzas, and sandwiches. Buy now!

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Blog Different Ways Cow's Milk Can Help Boost Your Immune System
13 May, 2024

Different Ways Cow's Milk Can Help Boost Your Immune System

The human body is designed to build a strong immune system and many different factors come into play to help make that happen. One such factor is nutrition. Your meal plan and the products you consume daily can help make or break your immunity. Did you know that cow’s milk can help build stronger immune systems? Cow milk contains a range of nutrients - including proteins and vitamins - that are essential for the development and function of the immune system. So, what are the benefits of drinking cow milk?1. It's a complete mealCow milk has many nutrients that the body needs, such as vitamins A and D, protein, zinc and selenium, making it a complete meal on its own. All of these nutrients are critical for maintaining a strong immune system.2. It's a good source of protein Protein is an essential nutrient for the immune system. It helps build and maintain the body's tissues and organs, including the immune system cells. Cow milk is a good source of protein, with each cup containing about 8 grams of protein. 3. It's a good source of Vitamin AVitamin A is important for the development and function of the immune system. It helps maintain the skin's health, which is the body's first line of defense against infection. Cow milk is a good source of vitamin A; each serving of milk contains about 15% of the daily recommended intake.4. It's good for your bonesOne of the benefits of cow milk is that it is good for your bones. Cow milk contains high levels of calcium and other minerals essential for the formation of strong bones. 5. It helps prevent diabetesCow’s milk contains high levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), a hormone that has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes. Cow milk also contains high levels of calcium, which can help to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of diabetes. However, because milk contains carbs, drinking too much milk may cause your blood sugar to spike, so it is best to get the advice of a professional nutritionist regarding your intake. 6. It is brain food Cow milk is also a great source of brain food. It contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.7. It fights depressionDepression is a serious mental illness that can have a devastating impact on a person’s life. Cow milk contains high levels of tryptophan, an amino acid that is effective in treating depression.8. It lowers cholesterolHigh cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease. Cow milk contains high levels of saturated fat, which can help lower cholesterol. Saturated fat is known to increase the level of HDL cholesterol, which is the “good” cholesterol, and to decrease the level of LDL cholesterol, which is the “bad” cholesterol.The bottom lineAs we’ve seen above, cow's milk is an excellent source of nutrition and can help you build a strong immune system. It is packed with essential nutrients needed to keep your body healthy and fight infection. It also contains antibodies that can help protect you from disease. So, drink up and enjoy the benefits of cow's milk!Are you looking for high-quality dairy products in Qatar? Baladna provides authentic, fresh, and high-quality dairy products, including a wide range of milk products. These include skim milk, full fat milk, and a variety of flavored milk. Get yours today.

Blog Understanding How Long Cheese Can Stay Out of the Fridge
29 October, 2024

Understanding How Long Cheese Can Stay Out of the Fridge

Cheese is a versatile and delicious ingredient that finds its way into various dishes. It is a staple in many households — from gourmet cuisine to late-night snacks. However, storing cheese properly ensures it remains fresh and tasty. One common question arises: how long can cheese stay out of the refrigerator? We’ve put together a quick guide that will help you understand the factors that affect the shelf life of cheese and how long it can be kept out of the fridge.Factors affecting the shelf life of cheese Several factors can influence how long cheese can stay out of the refrigerator. These factors include the type of cheese, the environment's temperature, and the humidity levels.1. Type of cheeseThere are hundreds of different types of cheese, and they all have other properties that affect their shelf life. For instance, hard cheeses like cheddar cheese, gouda, and parmesan can stay out of the fridge longer than soft cheeses like brie, camembert, and blue cheese. This is because hard cheeses have a lower moisture content, making them less susceptible to bacterial growth.2. TemperatureThe environment's temperature plays a crucial role in how long cheese can stay out of the refrigerator. The warmer the temperature, the quicker bacteria will grow and spoil the cheese. The perfect temperature for storing cheese is between 35°F and 45°F (1.6°C and 7.2°C). However, most cheeses can be safely left out at room temperature (around 70°F or 21°C) for a short period.3. HumidityHumidity is another factor that affects how long cheese can stay out of the fridge. High humidity levels can cause the cheese to spoil faster due to increased microbial growth. On the other hand, low humidity levels can make the cheese dry out and lose its flavor.How long can different types of cheese stay out of the fridge? Now that we know the factors that affect the shelf life of cheese, let's look at how long different types of cheese can stay out of the refrigerator.1. Hard cheesesAs mentioned earlier, hard cheeses like cheddar, gouda, and parmesan have a lower moisture content, making them less susceptible to bacterial growth. These cheeses can generally be left out at room temperature for up to 8 hours. However, consuming them within 4 hours is best to ensure the best flavor and quality.2. Semi-hard cheesesSemi-hard cheeses like provolone, swiss, and Monterey Jack can be left at room temperature for up to 4 hours. After this time, the risk of bacterial growth increases, and the cheese should be refrigerated.3. Soft cheesesSoft cheeses like brie, camembert, and blue cheese are more perishable and should not be kept outside of the fridge for more than 2 hours. This is because their high moisture content makes them more susceptible to bacterial growth.4. Fresh cheesesFresh cheeses like mozzarella, ricotta, and cottage cheese are the most perishable and should never be left out of the fridge for more than 1 hour. These cheeses have a very high moisture content, making them a breeding ground for bacteria.Tips for storing cheese properlyTo ensure your cheese stays fresh and delicious, follow these storage tips:1. Wrap the cheese in wax or parchment paper instead of plastic wrap. This allows the cheese to breathe and prevents it from becoming too damp.2. Store cheese in a designated cheese drawer or container in the refrigerator. This helps maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level.3. If you're storing multiple types of cheese, keep them separated to prevent cross-contamination and flavor transfer.4. Don't store cheese next to strongly flavored foods like onions or garlic, as it can absorb their flavors.5. When serving cheese at a party or gathering, only put out small portions at a time. This helps prevent the cheese from sitting out too long and becoming unsafe.Get your cheese todayBy understanding the factors that affect the shelf life of cheese and following the above storage tips, you can ensure that your cheese stays fresh and tasty for as long as possible. Whether enjoying a simple cheese platter or incorporating cheese into your favorite recipes, proper storage and handling will help you maximize your cheese experience and minimize waste. If you’re looking for some high-quality cheese, Baladna is here for you. Our range of authentic, fresh, and quality dairy products reflects our dedication to animal welfare and sustainability. To see our variety of locally-produced options, check out our products today and see our ongoing efforts to create a more sustainable and self-reliant future in food production.

Blog What are the Benefits of Eating Cheese?
14 May, 2024

What are the Benefits of Eating Cheese?

Cheese is one of the most popular foods in the world — and can you blame it? It’s delicious, versatile, and loaded with nutrients. Made from curdled milk that has been drained and aged, cheese can be used in a variety of different recipes, both savory and sweet. And that’s what makes it so awesome. Aside from this, cheese has so many health benefits that make it a great choice for those looking to improve their overall well-being. We’ve listed some of them down for you:Cheese helps keep your gut healthy Cheeses like Gouda, Cheddar, Edam, Gruyère, and Swiss are excellent sources of probiotics that produce short-chain fatty acids, which help promote healthy gut flora. This is essential for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. It is important to note that the intake of cheese should be raw and organic to ensure that the probiotic content is retained. Cheese may help fight cavities Your overall oral health is directly linked to your diet. It goes without saying that eating a lot of sugar and processed foods causes an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to tooth decay and cavities. Eating cheese can help combat this. A study from the National Library of Medicine suggests that eating cheese after meals may help reduce the risk of cavities. This is because cheese contains casein, a protein that breaks down in the mouth and releases calcium ions. These ions bind to harmful bacteria and prevent them from sticking to your teeth.Cheese can help boost your calcium intake An average adult needs around 1,000 milligrams of calcium every day. This is because it’s necessary for strong teeth and bones. Eating cheese can help you meet your daily calcium intake requirements. To give one example, a serving of cheddar cheese contains about 300 milligrams of calcium, which is about a third of the daily recommended intake.Certain cheeses can help keep your heart healthyThe best cheeses for maintaining good heart health are those with lower saturated fat and sodium, two things that are known to cause damage to the heart. Options like Swiss cheese, Mozzarella, Feta, cottage and ricotta cheese are good choices. Additionally, it’s important to opt for low-fat options if you’re at risk for heart disease, according to the Heart Foundation. Say cheese to a healthier YOU! Cheese is a great food that anyone can enjoy. It is packed with nutrients and vitamins and can be used in many different recipes, which makes it a great addition to any kitchen. Just like anything, moderation is key, and choosing the right cheese makes all the difference. So, the next time you are craving cheese, make sure that you include it in a balanced diet to ensure you’re not overconsuming saturated fat or sodium. It’s also important to get your cheese from a trusted source. At Baladna, we offer a wide range of cheeses. Our products are made with the freshest ingredients and are sourced directly from our farm, which is why you can be sure that they are always fresh and delicious. So if you love cheese as much as we do, head to Baladna’s website today and explore the variety of options available.

Blog How Long Can Yoghurt Be Stored After Opening The Packaging?
14 May, 2024

How Long Can Yoghurt Be Stored After Opening The Packaging?

Yoghurt is a nutritious and delicious dairy product that can be eaten on its own or used as an ingredient in various recipes. It is also known for its probiotic properties, which help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. However, once you open a container of yoghurt, it is important to consume it within a certain timeframe. Here, we will explore various factors that may affect your yoghurt’s shelf life. Factors that affect yoghurt shelf life1. TemperatureYoghurt should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 40°F or below. If yoghurt is exposed to temperatures above this range, it can spoil faster.2. ContaminationOnce you open a container of yoghurt, it will be exposed to air and bacteria. This can increase the risk of contamination and spoilage.3. HandlingThe way you handle yoghurt can also affect its shelf life. If you use a dirty spoon or your hands to scoop out yoghurt, you can introduce bacteria that can cause spoilage.How long can you keep yoghurt after opening it?Generally, yoghurt can be kept for 7-10 days after opening - if stored properly. However, the actual shelf life of yoghurt can vary depending on several factors. If you notice any signs of spoilage, such as a sour smell, mold, or a change in texture, it is best to discard it.How to extend yoghurt shelf life1. Store it in the coldest part of the fridgeThe key to extending the shelf life of yoghurt is to keep it in a cool place. The back of the fridge is typically the coldest part, so store your yoghurt there. Avoid placing it near the door or on the top shelf, as these areas are often warmer and can cause your yoghurt to spoil more quickly.2. Use a clean spoon or spatulaWhen you're ready to enjoy your yoghurt, always scoop it out with a clean spoon or spatula. This will prevent bacteria from getting into the container and spoiling the rest of the yoghurt. Avoid using a dirty utensil, as this can introduce unwanted bacteria into the yoghurt.3. Don't leave the container openIt's important to avoid leaving the yoghurt container open for an extended period. This can cause the yoghurt to dry out and lose its flavor. Always seal the container tightly after you've finished using it, and return it to the fridge as soon as possible.4. Don't freeze yoghurtWhile it may be tempting to freeze your yoghurt to extend its shelf life, this is not recommended. Freezing can change the texture and flavor of the yoghurt, making it less enjoyable to eat. Instead, focus on using up the yoghurt before it expires.5. Don't leave it out at room temperatureYoghurt should always be stored in the fridge and shouldn’t be kept at room temperature for more than two hours. This can cause bacteria to grow, which can lead to food poisoning. If you're taking yoghurt on the go, keep it in a cooler or insulated bag to keep it cool.6. Consider buying smaller containers of yoghurtIf you find that you're often throwing away half-eaten containers of yoghurt, consider buying smaller containers. This will help reduce waste and ensure you're always eating fresh yoghurt. You can also buy larger containers and portion them into smaller ones to extend their shelf life.Don’t mishandle your yoghurt! It’s important to keep in mind that proper storage, handling, and temperature control can help extend yoghurt's shelf life. If you notice any signs of spoilage, it is best to discard the yoghurt to avoid the risk of foodborne illness. Looking for a trusted dairy and beverage company in Qatar? Turn to none other than Baladna. With one of the largest cattle farms in the region, Baladna offers authentic, fresh, and quality dairy products. These include fresh milk, yoghurt, cheese, labneh, and many more. Contact us today for more information.