Our Corporate Strategy

Our strategy revolves around establishing protocols and systems to achieve our corporate objectives. In order to achieve this, we have developed a set of goals and key performance indicators to monitor and continuously improve them. Our focus remains on creating shareholder value by driving optimisation, maintaining products’ quality, accelerating growth, and strengthening the processes by continuous improvements and automation.

  • Growth in key categories we already operate
  • Leveraging our assets through product diversification
  • Expand into other categories and diversification into new categories in home market
  • Expand geographically in new markets
  • Drive end-to-end efficiency throughout the value chain and working towards improving sustainability footprint
  • Focus on producing most superior products in the categories we operate
  • Continuous innovation and renovation to meet consumer’s needs
  • Maintain quality across operations by using best-in-class technologies
  • Active involvement and contribution to the food security programme to ensure highest standards of health and safety for the citizens and residents in Qatar
  • Continuous improvement in cow comfort to benchmark milk yield with leading dairy farms in the world
  • Provide healthy working environment to motivate staff / attract best talent and be the best place to work
  • Focus on producing our own feed
  • Strong focus on cost optimisation throughout the entire operations
Our Strategic Pillars
Creating performance culture
  • Build a lean, motivated and high impact team
  • Training needs analysis and ensuring core training objectives are fulfilled
Be the preferred consumer brand
  • Formalised consumer validated brand strategy framework
  • Innovation – Commercial / Products / Packaging
Ensuring quality and availability
  • Entrench quality culture – consistent and superior products and packaging
  • Simplify shopper journey – strongly available and visible
Drive value stream
  • Optimisation of systems / processes through automation
  • Strong focus on cost savings and value engineering